Genealogy In Action Blog

Learn about various record types, methods and strategies, references and resources, and tools and technology to help you grow your genealogy skills. Articles also include a take-action prompt so you can immediately put into practice what you learned.

4 Reasons to Catalog Educational Materials education methods & strategies tools & technology Jun 30, 2022

As genealogists, we are taught to cite our sources, and while there are several reasons to do so, one of the most important is to help YOU keep track of what you found and where. In a way, our citations become our library catalog to the sources we've accumulated during the course of our genealogy research.

What we may not think to catalog is our educational and reference materials. These could be the books on your shelf, lectures/syllabi, articles in a periodical, and even websites.

As a...

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RootsTech 2022: How To Choose from 1,000+ Sessions education Mar 02, 2022

Genealogy’s mega-conference RootsTech 2022 starts this week and with more than 1,100 English-language sessions, how do you even begin to choose which sessions you want to watch? In this post I’ll share my learning philosophy and how you can make choosing your sessions a little easier. There’s also a quick video tour of the session listing so you can find what you’re looking for. And, I’ll even share a bonus tip for how you can actually watch all of the sessions...

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Genealogy Webinars: 2022 Series Announcements announcements education Jan 19, 2022

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It’s that time of year! Nearly all of the organizations that offer genealogy webinars have announced their 2022 schedule.

Here’s the rundown:

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The Genealogy Scavenger Hunt Turns 1 Today! announcements education Jan 01, 2022

Not only am I celebrating the new year today, but I’m also celebrating the 1-year anniversary of the Genealogy Scavenger Hunt!

What is the Genealogy Scavenger Hunt?

Well, in May 2020 I decided to put together a week-long genealogy challenge to help my genealogy friends cope with the lockdown due to the pandemic. For each of the five days I put together a scenario and participants had to use the clues to find the records freely available online and then answer a set of questions....

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