My #1 Genealogy Problem-Solving Strategy

methods & strategies Apr 07, 2021

Do you want to know my #1 go-to strategy for solving genealogy research problems?

While I don't believe in a magic potion to erase a genealogy brick wall, I do believe in tried-and-true strategies and putting in the work.'ve got to put in the work 😀

So what's my #1 strategy? REVIEW YOUR WORK!

This is so critical, and oftentimes you actually have the answer among all the records you've collected, or at the very least, you have some clues to help you plan your next steps.

I can't even count the times I have found answers or clues, just by taking the time to look over everything again. This is especially true for research done when we were newbies and didn't know any better.

My favorite example has to do with my Miller line. German Millers in Chicago...right, like I thought I'd ever be able to figure out where the heck they came from. Turns out, a child's birth certificate, that I'd had for a few years, held the answer. "Bromberg Provinz Posen" was listed as my second great-grandfather's place of birth on his son Heinrich's birth certificate. I had completely read over that (and a more specific place of birth for the mother, which confirmed what I already knew). That one clue broke the case wide open!

Before you pick up the search on your current project, spend some time reviewing everything you already have. You'll be surprised at what you'll find 😀

I'd love to hear those finds. Pop on over the the discussion of this post on Facebook and share your discoveries (please! I love to celebrate your wins!!).

P.S. For all of my problem-solving strategies, download my free guide 8 Genealogy Problem-Solving Strategies.

© Julie Tarr. This article was first published at Genealogy In Action; appearance of this article elsewhere, without my permission, violates copyright.